It all started on Thursday 11th April – the 19th year of our Twinning with Château du Loir says the twinning association.
“The French coach pulled in to Warminster road car park just five minutes late after a journey lasting 11 hours, by coach boat and coach again. Surprisingly they all looked awake and full of enthusiasm. Once all the visitors found their hosts for the weekend we gathered in the Laverton for a welcome reception from our Town Crier and Westbury’s Mayor. Then they went home with their hosts.
“Friday was free for hosts and their guests to visit anywhere they pleased, venues included the Wadworths Brewery in Devizes, the Bristol Aerospace museum, Castle Coombe, Swindon Steam Museum, Avebury, Lyme Regis.
“Saturday the 12th was the day we all went to Norden in Dorset and caught the steam train to Swanage. The five children in the group were very excited when they saw the train, we had managed to keep it a secret for ages. After a couple of hours in Swanage, shopping, sightseeing and various other activities we all boarded the train to start the journey back to Westbury. The celebratory meal in the evening at the Laverton Hall was attended by 76 visitors and hosts and 7 guests.
“On the Sunday it was another free day. Many groups doubled up for visits out and meals, before an early night as the visitors had to leave at 5.00am for the return journey to Portsmouth for the ferry and the drive home to Château du Loir.
“Another very successful visit, and we are already starting to plan our visit to Château du Loir next year especially as we will be celebrating our 20th year of Twinning.”