THE ROYAL Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes (RAOB) recently presented a cheque for £4,000 to St John Ambulance.
Mike Storey, of the RAOB, reports that it was a ‘meeting of two ancient orders.’
He said, “It all started with the Order of Knights Hospitallers, dedicated to St John the Baptist, and operating in the Holy Land circa 1099. The order united with The Hospital of Jerusalem and became the Order of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem.
“With the resumption of fighting against the Saracens some of the Knights of the Order took up arms and formed the Knights of the Temple (Templars). In 1191, the Templars were driven out of the Holy Land and escaped to Cyprus. In about 1291, the Hospitallers were also driven out and also went to Cyprus. They subsequently merged with the Templars and became The Order of St John.
“They needed a new home and took over the Island of Malta which they ruled for 268 years, successfully defending a major siege by the Saracens. The French finally ousted them in 1799. The members of the order scattered around the world, many returning to their native countries including England, where in 1858 they became the St John Ambulance Brigade that we all know and love today.
“The PGP [Provincial Grand Primo] 2012 Bro Dave Miller KOM chose The St John Ambulance Brigade as his appeal.”
Pictured: The RAOB presents the cheque to the St John Ambulance Brigade, Frome.