STUDENTS from Matravers School have returned from a week in The Gambia, where they worked in their link school, Gunjur...
ADVICE on responsible dog ownership was available in the town centre on Saturday 16th February when the area board launched its...
A DILTON Marsh artist has created a sculpture in memory of his teacher and fellow villager, who inspired his distinctive style. Derek Kinzett’s...
WEST Wiltshire representative, Ellie Pullen of Westbury, recently attended the first meeting in a new term of office for the South...
WESTBURY’S police inspector will help raise money for a charity which helps bereaved families of police officers, by running the Bath...
THE West Wilts Youth Sailing Association has celebrated another successful and busy year with the presentation of trophies at its AGM. ...
DOG owners in Westbury will soon be asked to lend their support to a campaign to tackle dog fouling. The...
A WESTBURY student is researching the impact of the Lafarge cement works on the town and surrounding area. Twenty-year-old James...
IDEAS to improve access to the White Horse Heath Centre by bus have been put forward. When the health centre...
THE public consultation for a campus development in Westbury closes today, 31st January. The consultation asks people what facilities they would...
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