There is currently a vacancy for a co-opted governor to serve on the Board of Governors of Matravers School.
Co-opted governors can be anyone with relevant skills, including parents of children at the school, and local authority or school employees, as well as other members of the community.
Why become a Governor?
“Becoming a school governor involves taking on one of the most important and valuable roles in education – the strategic leadership of a school,” says the school. “As a member of the Governing Board you would help to set the school’s strategic priorities and policies together with the Headteacher (although the Head is responsible for day-to-day leadership and management). These are exciting times for Matravers School. We have been on a journey of transformation over the last 6 years, and results for 2018 were in the top 7% of schools nationally when compared with students with starting points similar to those at Matravers. It is our intention to ensure this upward trend continues.
“The school would like to invite people from the local community who may be able to bring valuable skills to the school, to consider putting themselves forward for the vacancy.”
How to find out more:
To find out more about, please refer to the further information provided on the school’s website. Alternatively, contact the clerk, Mrs Jessica Yeatman, who will be happy to arrange for an existing governor to talk to you. She can be emailed at Jyeatman@matravers.wilts., or you can leave a message at the school.
If you would like to put yourself forward as a candidate, please complete and return the official nomination form by 30th April. Forms are available on the Matravers website, or can be obtained from the school’s reception desk.
They would especially welcome applications from people who have experience of leadership and management in the public or private sectors. Prior involvement in school governance would be an advantage, but not essential as induction and training will be provided. Applicants must be IT and email literate.
Governors are expected to commit themselves to the role and this will require them to attend two Tuesday evening meetings a term (six terms per year) for formal governor meetings. In addition, they will usually attend some training events and school visits during the year.