Rotary Club of Westbury invited an ambassador from Julia’s House to come and speak to its members and friends.
Jim Heath, this year’s president, has chosen Julia’s House as one of his charities for the year. The hospice gives support for children and their parents in Dorset and Wiltshire.
The Rotary Club explained, “Liz Froud explained that they have one in Dorset and are looking to open one in Devizes. They are for children and young people who have terminal illness or life-time conditions. They offer various services like respite care, day care, or just a few hours to give the parents time to recuperate. They also arrange outings in groups or family trips, all to help the family unit
“Julia’s House has been ranked 25th in the Sunday Times’ 100 best not for profit organisations to work for. This makes it the top ranked hospice in the country and one of only two children’s hospices to make it into the top 100.
“Hollywood superstar Robert Downey Jr raised nearly £1million – not to mention worldwide attention for the Wiltshire hospice appeal. The appeal has raised just over the £2million mark, but to open in Devizes they need £3.5million. Liz told us that they only receive 6% of their running costs from central government, so rely heavily on donations.
“Rotary will be holding two fundraising activities in the coming months, that is the Town Quiz on 18th September at the Laverton. The forms are available from Davies, Sandoes and the Clean Machine or by contacting Sue Ezra on 01373 822547, email or any Rotarian. The other event will be an International Cuisine Evening, details available from Sue or any Rotarian.”