WESTBURY Lions have released the route their Santa float will take this year!
The Lions have had confirmation from Santa himself that he will be visiting the town’s children from Thursday 1st December. See full details on the page opposite. The Lions will be collecting money on the night for local causes.
Stay up to date with Santa’s location by tracking his sleigh each night online by visiting: www.westburylions.org.uk/track-santa/
A Lions spokesperson said, “The Santa Float is one of our highlights of the year where we can get out and meet the community, spread a bit of happiness and especially in these difficult times seek out those most in need of our assistance.
“The Santa Mail service that we also do is a fab way of helping at this time of year. All the children need to do is put their letter to Father Christmas (with their name and address clearly written on it) in the mailboxes on our float when they see us, and then a few days later they will receive a personalised response from Santa through the door. We know from community feedback that this is a great service that people love and really helps the children connect with the experience.”
Routes may be cancelled at short notice and will be weather dependent. You must ensure your children are supervised at all times when visiting the Christmas float.
For up-to-date information about the routes and Lions activities visit westburylions.org or facebook.com/WestburyLions