YOUNG amateur sailor, Nathan Clift, will compete in a triathlon to raise money for West Wilts Youth Sailing Association’s (WWYSA) new clubhouse on Saturday 8th June, starting at Westbury pool.
11-year-old Nathan started sailing last year with no previous experience and is currently working towards stage three of four training stages. On completion, he can then progress to seamanship and instructor training.
The sailing centre moved over the winter to make way for the new housing development by Linden Homes, and the club now has to raise funds to build a new clubhouse.
Volunteers have currently set up a temporary facility to enable the sailing to continue whilst work continues on the new clubhouse. It has been partially funded by Sport England, but more funds are needed to see the project completed.
The triathlon will see Nathan swim 200m at Westbury pool, accompanied by his younger sister, who has just started to learn to sail with WWYSA. He will then cycle a 5-mile route with his dad before completing a 1-mile run to finish at the sailing lake.
Nathan says, “Everyone has worked so hard to get what we have so far and I would like to do my bit to help finish the project. Evie’s [fellow club member] virtual mountain climb last month was amazing and I hope to do well too.
“We have a building currently, but it would be amazing to have showers and use it fully, particularly towards the end of the season when going in the water means you need to get warm quickly!”
To donate to Nathan and raise money for WWYSA visit: .com/fundraisers/nathanclift1.