Giving and receiving a gift.
Gifts cost the giver something, but not the receiver.
When someone offers to pay for your lunch, or buys you a gift, do you receive it graciously, or do you, fight it off, and say no, no, you can’t do that, I’ll get that for myself. Why do we do that? I believe that is Pride, yet to receive a gift can in itself be a gift of respect and blessing to the giver, in receiving it graciously and so honour them.
I went to the hairdresser a few weeks ago, and when I went to pay, I was told the price had already been paid by someone else. I don’t know who that was, but it was a beautiful surprise gift to me. Very humbling, but precious. I was truly blessed.
If you broke the law of the land, there is a price to pay, a fine, or even prison, in some countries, the death penalty. What if someone were to offer payment of your fine or even be willing to go to prison in your place, or even die in your place, cause the price must be paid according to the law. Justice must be done.
In June, Christians celebrate Pentecost, which is the giving of the gift of the Holy Spirit for every believer. Jesus has paid the price in full, dying in our place, and sending His Holy Spirit. The bible tells us; The wages of sin is death but the gift of God is Eternal life. Romans 6 v 23 (TPT) He offers His gift to you today.
M Eady