1st WESTBURY (Cyril’s Own) Beaver Group recently held a collection of food items to donate to the Westbury Area Network, the charity that operates the food bank in town.
“The Beavers had been looking at how they could help their community as part of their badge work,” said Assistant Beaver Scout Leader, Diane Perrett. “They decided to make Christmas cards for the residents at Westbury Court Care Home and after talking about what we need to eat to stay healthy, and how that can be difficult for some families on low incomes, they were inspired to help.
“They played a game trying to guess how much a small box of groceries can cost and were surprised at some items’ value. With their parents’ help, they decided what they wanted to bring in and donate, particularly making sure some sweets were in the mix too! They challenged the older sections (Cubs and Scouts) to match their donations. The leaders were extremely proud of all the children for the very large collection laid out on the last collecting night at Scouts.”
During Covid, the group has taken the opportunity to update the building and its facilities with a view to increasing the opportunities for members, as well as to looking to hire out the hall. The group is planning a Spring Bingo at the Scout Headquarters on Saturday 26th March to help fundraising towards this.
If anyone is interested in helping out with the Scout Group or looking to hire the hall, please contact Andy Kettlety on 07900 244104.
Picture: Beavers sitting proudly with their collection to the Westbury Area Network.