The meeting opened with a mixture of sadness and joy.
Firstly the death was announced of a much-loved founder member, Lesley Goodhead, who will be greatly missed. Then the joy of meeting our newest and youngest member, Rita Stubbs, with her newborn baby named Yuvenna Ricarda May. It served to remind us how diverse the ages are within the WI which caters for all tastes.
President Alison Irving welcomed visitors Jette and Lynn to the evening and secretary Beth Carrick reported on the recent Weavers meeting. Then speaker Ashley Jones was welcomed to tell all as a removal gentleman who has worked for Pickfords (established in 1646) for over 35 years.
Donning his apron, an original from when he first began work, Ashley recounted the changes that had taken place over the years and how when he and his colleagues enter a house, tea is all important. Over that, client and employee can work on a satisfactory outcome of the job in hand.
Now manager of Pickford’s Group International and the company’s historian, Ashley has seen many changes including the modern video link survey although clients still meet their team in advance. Starting with a horse and carriage, progressing to the motor age, then heavy haulage, Pickfords was also involved in both the First and Second World Wars helping with removals of troops and materials.
There were lots of amusing stories as well, with Tom the worker who could get a van into places no-one else could, to the transporting of Big Charlie the elephant. Members were fascinated by all the facts and figures and thoroughly enjoyed the amusing stories told.
Next month’s meeting is a talk on Fairfield Farm College – do join us and have lots of fun.
Liz Lee