Volunteers to help monitor the day-to-day life in the HMP Erlestoke Prison are being sought by the prison’s Independent Monitoring Board (IMB). The volunteers will help ensure that proper standards of care and decency are maintained.
Chairman for the IMB at Erlestoke Prison, Sheila Kimmins said, “Every day is new, you meet all sorts of people. For example you might be helping prisoners with lost property if they have moved from one prison to another.
“I know that they are offenders sent here by the court, but there are some extremely nice people here of all ages and from all backgrounds.”
A typical monitoring visit might include time spent in the kitchens, workshops, accommodation blocks, recreation areas, healthcare centre and chaplaincy.
“It might sound strange to say, but it is enjoyable, especially if you like meeting new people and helping others,” explained Sheila. “The role is very interesting, but also challenging at times. I have never felt unsafe. It is definitely an experience.”
Members of the board have unrestricted access to their local prison at any time and can talk to any prisoner or detainee they wish to, out of sight and hearing of members of staff if necessary.
Formerly a magistrate for 22 years, Sheila has been a member of the board at the prison for three years, but previous experience of the judicial system is not necessary. “We want volunteers from all different backgrounds and experiences. Some of our current volunteers are in work, some are retired,” said Sheila.
Whilst the position is voluntary, expenses are covered. Volunteers give an average of 2-3 days per month. Anyone over 18 may apply and an ability to listen and observe is essential. Training is provided during a probationary year. For further information and application details visit
www.imb.org.uk/join-now/currentvacancies or ring 020 3334 3265 for application forms by post. The closing date for applications is Sunday 25th June.